The team of Japanese scientists spotted the squid over half a mile below the ocean surface. They were near the Ogasawara Islands, about 620 miles south of Tokyo. He was about 10 feet long, and they captured him on film. The images above is a still from the video—the world’s first live images of a giant squid.

As the Wall Street Journal details, centuries ago the mysterious giant squid likely inspired the myth of the tentacled monster the “kraken,” popularized in The Clash of the Titans. Because it lives at such great depths and not much is known about the animal’s behavior and life history, the squid, save for dead specimens, continued to evade cameras. Marine Biologist and author Richard Ellis once described the non-existant giant squid photo as “the most elusive image in natural history.”

Jan 10, 2019 - Thalassophobia is the fear of the sea. You probably have it. The kraken (/ ˈ k r ɑː k ən /) is a legendary sea monster of gigantic size and cephalopod-like appearance in Scandinavian folklore.According to the Norse sagas, the kraken dwells off the coasts of Norway and Greenland and terrorizes nearby sailors.Authors over the years have postulated that the legend may have originated from sightings of giant squids that may grow to 13–15 meters (40. Chipper's Revenge is a secret boss in FNaF World that seems to more closely resemble Tyke from the original Chipper & Sons. When FNAF World first came out I actually thought that Chipper's Revenge was a Lumberbot. I believed, and I still think it is possible, though unlikely, that Chipper & Sons and FNAF World are set in the same universe.

The New York Daily News describes how the team pulled off the feat:

The key to their success, said Kubodera, was a small submersible rigged with lights invisible to both human and cephalopod eyes.

He, a cameraman and the submersible’s pilot drifted silently down to 630 meters and released a one-meter-long squid as bait. In all, they descended around 100 times.

Fnaf World Giant Squid Na E

“If you try and approach making a load of noise, using a bright white light, then the squid won’t come anywhere near you. That was our basic thinking,” Kubodera said.

“So we sat there in the pitch black, using a near-infrared light invisible even to the human eye, waiting for the giant squid to approach.”

As the squid neared they began to film, following it into the depths to around 900 meters.

As the researchers commented to Daily News, the squid—a solitary animal—appeared to be “rather lonely.” He was also missing two of the tentacles that should have been his longest, scientists said: with them, he might have been 26 feet long.

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Giant Squid at the Natural History Museum
Clyde Roper Can’t Wait to Be Attacked by a Giant Squid

Ocean explorers have finally achieved one of their most alluring but elusive goals: video footage of the legendary giant squid (Architeuthis dux)in its natural deep-sea habitat. Scientists say that the spectacular film, captured during an expedition off Japan’s Ogasawara archipelago, answers enduring questions about the enigmatic invertebrate.

The 6-week mission was funded by the Japan Broadcasting Commission (NHK) and the US Discovery Channel, and took place in July. It is only now being discussed publicly, as the two companies prepare to broadcast documentaries that include the footage later this month.

The squid was first glimpsed using a specialised camera system, called Medusa, which the team deployed from a ship and left suspended about 700 metres down in the water. Later, researchers came face-to-face with one while in a submersible. “It was so beautiful that I have no words to explain it,” says zoologist Tsunemi Kubodera of Japan’s National Museum of Nature and Science, who was in the submersible.

The camera system was developed by Edith Widder, a deep-sea explorer and founder of the Ocean Research and Conservation Association in Fort Pierce, Florida. She thinks that the key to its success was a focus on the squid’s sense of sight. To avoid bright lights that might scare the squid away, the system uses a low-light camera with a dim red light, because few deep-sea animals see light with such a long wavelength.

Alluring success

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In hopes of drawing the animals in, Widder used a different sort of light. Although very little sunlight penetrates to the deep sea, many deep dwellers produce a bioluminescent light. Past research by Widder suggests that the bioluminescence can act as a sort of burglar alarm, among other functions1. The idea is that the bioluminescence produced by some prey when they are attacked may serve to attract larger predators — such a giant squid — that will then eat the attacker.

Widder and her colleagues therefore fitted Medusa with an electronic device that mimicked the bioluminescence that jellyfish produce when attacked to serve as a lure. It worked: Medusa first encountered a squid during its second deployment, igniting jubilation on the ship. “I just was blown away,” says Widder,” I couldn’t have been happier.”

Fnaf World Giant Squid Na Engleskom

Medusa ended up encountering a squid five times, culminating with a full view of one apparently attacking the camera system in a manner consistent with the alarm hypothesis. The squid was about 4 metres long, although giant squid can grow as large as 10 metres or more.

During a dive about a week after the first Medusa success in their Triton submersible, Kubodera and pilot Jim Harris had a face-to-face encounter. Once they had taken enough low-light footage, they turned on the sub’s bright main lights, expecting to spook the squid. Instead, the animal continued to feed on bait tied to the sub. For 18 mesmerising minutes the pair watched as the huge animal’s skin shifted between unexpected gold and silver metallic hues.

Two previous expeditions, both of which involved Kubodera, have returned still photographs of a giant squid in the deep2 and video footage of one at the surface. Numerous dead specimens have also been collected around the world. But, Kubodera says, the up-close, extended view was like seeing an entirely new animal. He believes giant squid hunt looking up, to detect faint silhouettes, so he attached one of the animal’s prey, a diamondback squid, to the front of the sub as an attractant, but also used a lighted squid jig.

Clyde Roper, a giant-squid expert and zoologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC, says that the encounters answer longstanding questions. For instance, the giant squid was thought to be fairly passive, but the vigorous bait attacks show that it is actually a very strong swimmer and feeder.

“This has gone a long, long way to helping us understand this animal,” says Roper, “They did just a marvellous job.”