Between December 11 and February 24, there will be two snowballs in yourtown each day. You can use them to build one new snowperson in yourtown each day. Depending on thesize of the snowballs, you can build Snowman,Snowmam, Snowboy, and Snowtyke.You can receive special items from them.

For Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board. I'd try to make sure you have maybe 10,000 free blocks before. For my 3DS, and used the PC to copy my previous card directories to the 32GB one. Jul 17, 2018 - Download and install Tips:Animal Crossing:New Leaf 1.0.1 on Windows PC.

Building Snow People

You can find two snowballs in your town each day between December 11 andFebruary 14. Each one will be in a random location in your town.

Rolling and Shaping Snowballs

Roll a snowball on snow to make it bigger, or roll the snowballon dirt or stone to make it smaller. Small snowballs must be kicked around, but when a snowball is larger,it can be slowly pushed by hand.

Broken Snowballs

Be careful! If youpush the snowball into water, push it against a wall, or drop it off of a cliff, it will break! If you break a snowball, go into a building and then go backoutside. There will be a new snowball in a random location in your town.


Putting the Snowballs Together

A snow person is made of two snowballs.Each snowball has to be big enough that you are no longer kicking it when youmove it around. If the snowball is too small, you need to make it biggerbefore you can use it to build a snow person.

To create a snow person, just push one snowball toward another. If bothsnowballs are big enough, the snowball that you are pushing will jump upon top of the other one, creating a snow person.


Different Types of Snow People

There are several different types of snow people: Snowman, Snowmam, Snowboy, and Snowtyke. Each type gives you different items.

Snowball Sizes

The type of snow person that you create depends on the size of thesnowball on the bottom. Here is a list that describes the snowball sizesand the resulting snow people:

  • Biggest snowball (just above your ear level): Snowman (wears a top hat)
  • Large snowball (your ear level): Snowboy (has a triangular nose and black eyes)
  • Medium snowball (just above your chin level): Snowmam (has eyelashes)
  • Small snowball (below your chin level): Snowtyke (has a round nose)

Well-balanced Snow People

To make a good quality snow person, the snowball that you push on topshould be just slightly smaller than the base snowball. If the top snowballis bigger or a lot smaller than the base snowball, the resulting snow personmight not give you any gifts, or might have different requirements for thegifts.

Snow People Gifts

The four different types of snowpeople can give you gifts. The followingsections explain how to get gifts from the different snowpeople.


The Snowman is made with a very large snowball as the base. He wears a tophat.

If you don't have a bingo card, talk to a Snowman to receive one.Keep in mind that the bingo card can't be droppedor thrown away. Then talk to a Snowman to get a new number on your bingo card.Each Snowman will give you one number per day.You can buildmultiple Snowmen in your town to get more bingo numbers per day. You can alsoget bingo numbers from Snowmen in other towns.

If you get five numbers in a line, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally,the Snowman will give you a prize and take away the bingo card. You can geta new one the next day. Here is a list of gifts that the Snowman can give you:

  • Bobsled
  • Curling stone
  • Lift chair
  • Ski rack
  • Slalom gate
  • Snow machine
  • Snowboard
  • Snowmobile
  • Ski-slope floor
  • Ski-slope wall


The Snowboy is made with a large snowball as the base. He has black eyes anda triangular nose.

If you build a well-balanced Snowboy (i.e. if the top ball is slightly smallerthan the base), the Snowboy will send you a letter in the mail the next day.There will be a piece of Snowman furniture or a Snowman or Snowman hatattached.

  • Snowman
  • Snowman Bed
  • Snowman Carpet
  • Snowman Chair
  • Snowman Clock
  • Snowman Dresser
  • Snowman Fridge
  • Snowman Head
  • Snowman Lamp
  • Snowman Sofa
  • Snowman Table
  • Snowman TV
  • Snowman Vanity
  • Snowman Wardrobe
  • Snowman Wall


The Snowmam is created with a medium snowball as the base. She haseyelashes and her hair in a bun.

The Snowmam will ask you to bring her snowflakes. She will ask for fewersnowflakes if she is well-balanced (i.e. if the top ball is slightly smallerthan the base). When you have a Snowmam in your town, there will be snowflakesfloating around in your town even if it is not snowing. Catch them with yourbug net. Give Snowmam the requested number of snowflakes to receive a pieceof ice furniture:

  • Ice Bed
  • Ice Chair
  • Ice Clock
  • Ice Closet
  • Ice Dresser
  • Ice Floor
  • Ice Lamp
  • Ice Shelf
  • Ice Side Table
  • Ice Sofa
  • Ice Table
  • Ice Vanity
  • Ice Wall


The Snowtyke is created with a small snowball as the base. The Snowtyke hasa round nose.

To get gifts from Snowtyke, you have to have all four types of snow peoplein your town, and Snowtyke needs to be well-balanced (i.e. the top ballneeds to be slightly smaller than the base). Depending on how well-balancedthe other snow people are, Snowtyke will give you one of the followinggiftsin a letter the next day:

Number of well-balanced snowpeopleSnowtyke gift
The other three types of snowpeople are all well-balancedSnowman Matryoshka
Two of the other three types of snowpeople are well-balancedSnow bunny
One of the other three types of snowpeople are well-balancedSmall igloo
Only the Snowtyke is well-balancedSleigh


Snowpeople melt a little bit each day, even if it snows. A snowperson will disappear four daysafter it was created.