Nintendo DS Cheat Codes for Animal Crossing Wild World Action Replay Codes works only with Action Replay Device. We shared Cheat Codes for Animal Crossing Wild World. Keep eye on us (M). Thank you for choose our Cheat Codes for Animal Crossing Wild World Action Replay Codes. If you like codes, Please leave comment. Animal Crossing: Wild World Cheats. The near infinite amount of personalization makes it easy to get sucked up in this super cute, if familiar, world.

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Get the latest Animal Crossing: Wild World cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Get 99,999 Bells

To do this, you must have 50,000 bells or more, I recommend you have more, so you'll getmore money.

Wish Upon A Star

At night, you might see a shooting star. Thesecond you see it, quickly press the A button tomake a wish. Be sure you have nothing in your handor it won't work. They next day, you should have agift from Wishy the Star after you've made the wish.

Some Fish Names And Prices


When Harriet asks you questions answer with theseanswers to get a certain hairstyle.'A' means top choice, 'B' means bottom choiceand these are as accurate descriptions as I couldthink of, so sorry if you don't understand
Choppy bangs--AAB
Mini mohawk--ABA
Curl in back--BAA
Parted in middle--BAB
Hair over eye--BBA
---------------GIRL HAIRSTYLES
Points on side (one of the beginning styles)--AAA
Waves at bottom--AAB
(short)Tuck in behind ears--ABB
(long)--tuck in behind ears with bangs--BAA
3 Pigtails (also a starting style)--BBB.

Free Money

When you dig up fossils, catch fish and bugs, orfind paintings, instead of giving them to themuseum sell them to Tom Nook. He will give youfrom 3000-8000 bells for fossils.

Golden Shovel Benefits

You can get a golden shovel by burying a shovel, and watering it, then dig it up 24 hours later, pick up the shovel. The tip is white because its shiny, its not halfway finished or anything. Then you can dig a whole, put bells in, and create a bell tree based on how much you bury. It turns instantly into a baby bell tree. The bell tree grows, and eventually turns into a full tree. You shake the tree, bells fall down. (obviously, its hanging right there with 3 money bags in a tree) The second time bees fall out, along with the money, so I recommend you plant it near your house, the town hall, or especially the museum or city gates, because you don't need to open a door there.

Annoying Animals

If one of your animals are really annoying stand A SMALL DISTANCE away from them and hit them with a shovel, eventually they'll get extremely mad. Keep doing that everyday and they'll finally leave your town.

Hair Colors

In Nookington's there is the hair salon place. You can get your hair done in there but in the end, Harriet (the salon owner) asks for the hair color you want. They are a bunch of weird names that you might not have heard of so here is what they are:

Easy-Easy Time Travel

Instead of changing your time on the phone, youcan quit playing your game and go to DS settings.This way your town won't grow any weeds and youwont mess anything up. Easy as pie :)

Shoot Balloons

Sometimes at the top of the screen is a balloon. Use your slingshot to shoot itdown for items.

Lower Your Mortgage

Add a new resident to your town and after thenew resident is finished working for TomNook. Tom Nook will lower your mortgage.

Getting The Golden Slingshot

Pop a yellow and violet stripe balloon that looks like a hot air balloon with a slingshot try it!

Tan Or Pale?

Are you a person who likes to be super tan? Or really pale? Well, you can be anyone of those on Animal Crossing Wild World DS. Just in the Summer and Spring, go outside all the time, and do that for a few weeks, and when you go to play again, you will be tanner. But, if you wanna be paler, then go outside in the winter and fall seasons. Hope this helps!

Able Sisters

Have you ever noticed when you go into the clothes store called Able Sisters, what Sable is sewing? Well, the pattern that she is creating, will end up in the store the next day! So, if the pattern is REALLY cool, and you say to yourself, 'I've got to have this' you can! Just not then and there. But the next day, it will be in the store!

2 Or More Houses

Go on animal crossing and when you see that some animal is moving away, stay in the animals house for 2 days and make sure that your DS is charged. When that day happens (when its been 2 days)it will be your house but be careful it doesn't always happen. Your DS has to be closed. Yay now you have more houses and room and you can keep doing this every time.

Flower Power Accessories!!!

If you want to add a little jazz to your style, then pick up a flower (press B) and drag it to your character. Different flowers do different things:
ROSES-in your mouth
DANDELIONS-in your hand
Make sure to pick the right color to match your outfit!

Lucky Items And Their Value

You may have heard of 'Lucky Items' andthought, 'What is so lucky about them? 'Well, each lucky item is worth 7,777 points inHRA scoring. Kinda sounds lucky right?Here is a list of the lucky items:
4 leaf clover
Big festive tree
Birthday cake
Festive tree
Garden gnome
Ivory piano
Lefty lucky cat
Lovely phone
Lucky black cat
Lucky cat
Master sword
Music box
Piggy bank
Racoon figurine
Samurai Suit
Scarab beetle
Treasure chest
Tri force

Holiday Everyday

Once its the flea market [once a month]. You canplay but when it turns too tomorrow just timewarp it to yesterday and you could still behaving the flea market.

New Stuff

If you want more new, and cool stuff, keep talkingto your animal friends and they'll give yousomething if they're a nice type of person! Makesure you keep talking to them and they'll give youstuff to make you go away!

Hint: Stopping Dangerous Players

Ever hear of Dangerous Players? These are peoplewho have an action replay and use codes to takeitems, destroy your town, and plant buildingseeds to prevent you from going somewhere or todestroy something else. To counter these, findout who these players are, get an AR and get thebuilding seed code, and place the seed in frontof the Town Gate entrance. When it has finishedgrowing, the Dangerous Player will not be able toleave their town, stopping the havoc that theycaused. STOP THE MADNESS!!! Also to stop abuilding seed from growing, get a shovel and ifyou find any small trees that you see afterplanting a seed, shovel it up. (unless you plantedit!)

Make A Wish!

First, go around in your town until you find adandelion puff. Pick it up and put it in yourpocket. Then, go in your pockets and drag thedandelion puff to your character. It will appearin your hand. Then exit your pockets and turnyour character so that it is facing you. Thenpress A and your character will blow thedandelion puff.

Feed The Walrus!

Every once in a while, the hobo walrus will cometo your town and ask you to feed it. Instead ofgiving it fruit, you can give it fish. If yougive him fish from the ocean, he will give you aREALLY cool pattern, like there's one that is afake star-thing that you dig up fossils andstuff from. You can put on the ground and foolyour friends! It's really cool!!!!

The Snowmen

During winter you will find snowballs. Roll twoof them around in the snow. The first one roll ituntil you cant roll it anymore and the second oneroll it until you think it is the size of asnowman head. Make sure the bigger one is onsnow. Roll the second one into the first one andthey will be on top of each other. And if it isperfect he will send you a letter with a snowmantheme present.

Kaitlyn And Katie

If you have a person that has Animal Crossings too that you play with often you might get Kaitlyn or Katie in your town. Kaitlyn will be a big cat walking around in an apron. Katie is a small cat that will be standing in one spot and crying if you have Kaitlyn open your gate if you have Katie bring her into the town where her mom is (Kaitlyn is her mom). First you have to make sure each other knows first. The person who brings Katie to her mom will get a present the next day in their mail from Katie.Me and my sis did this all the time.

A Tree Full Of 30,000 Bells

First dig a hole. Bury 99,000 bells. Water everyday. Then eventually u will get 3 bags of 30,000bells. They will be hanging from the tree. Becareful. The next days a bee hive will be there. Soits a good idea to plant the money near your house.You need 99,000 bells for this to work.

Efficient Town

To make your town look more efficient you shouldgo to Able sisters and make roadway pieces andthen set them down on the ground.

Fruit Trade

If you mail a fruit to one of your neighbors, itis possible they will sent you a different fruitback. Should try with different animals.

Never Ever Sell Foreign Fruit!

Never sell fruit your town doesn't have, insteadplant it. When that tree gives fruit, then you canplant that fruit. Wait until you have at leastfive of that kind of fruit tree before you sellit. Reasons to do this: you can sell it for 500bells each (five trees thats fifteen of that typeof fruit), also when u go to your friends townstrade your fruit for theirs (if they have a lot offruit like you it will be an equal trade). Theresa lot of bells in fruit thats not your native!

Wear Flowers

To wear flowers you first must pick one up. Onceit is in your pocket put it over your character initems, and it will either be: in your hair, inyour mouth,or you will be holding it. Depending onwhat type of flower it is.

Acorn Festival

If you wait for about five days without playingyou'll have a coconut on the beach, and if youwait about ten days without playing you'll have amessage in a bottle and a coconut on the beach.


If you find a coconut on the beach go over to a tree by the beach cut it down digit up and bury the coconut. Then in a few days it will grow. Repeat this and get acoconut orchard, then each time you get all the coconuts go and sell them for $500each.

Pitfall Seed

Pitfall Seeds are little white circles with redexclamation points on them. They aren't worthanything to Nook but they are funny. You can digone up or check the lost and found. If you buryone then walk over it you'll fall and have topress you character or 'A' to get out. You canprank the animals in your town by burying themoutside your door and they fall in them. It mademe laugh. Have fun with them.

Bed Switchamaroo

To switch your bed first, go to Tom Nook's and buya bed (if he doesn't have a bed check the catalogor you already have one skip this). Then go to theroom where you save. Go to the foot (bottom) of thebed and press 'A'. It will ask you if you want toswitch your bed, say 'yes', then pick the bed youwant to switch it with. You will have your old bedin your pockets sell it to Tom Nook or keepit.The bed you get is basic you can get all fourcolors of the basic bed (red, blue, green, yellow Ithink!) by making new people.

Backround Change

To change the background, open up your fashiondesigns page. Pick one and drag it into thebottom left hand conner. It will disappear andyou background will change for ordering items andthe main page.

Close Open Holes With Feet

If there is an open hole in the ground in stead of getting out your shovel you can just go up to the hole and press B and your Person will kick dirt in the hole and it will close. (Note: you can do this with an item in your hand.)

Money Tree

First, buy 2 shovels. Plant 1 shovel. Wait 24hours and dig up the golden shovel. Then, put 100bells in your pockets and plant a tree. You nowhave a money tree.

Time Travel Without Moving Residents

Instead of going to what ever time you want to go to right away, go 2 months at a time and check on your residents to make sure that they aren't moving.

Make Your Character Go To Sleep Without Dr. Shrunk

Have someone come over to your town and close your DS. Look on the other persons screen and you will be sleeping. This can be done Vice-Versa.

Senor K.K. Song Goes Faster

If you request Senor K.K. the credits will go byfaster.


When its raining on a Thursday go to the coffeeshop. You will see Rover sitting down. Talk to himfrom behind. If he's not there, make sure its raining.

Sick Animals

To get your animal to be healthy again, feed it medicine or to DSto DS with a friend.


Sending in fossils takes forever and wastes your time, but youcan get BIG BELLS if you have enough in the museum. First, afteryou check your mail, search for fossils. If you found some, givethem to Blathers at the museum. Soon enough (if you do thiseveryday) you will have so many fossils, you'll get doubles back.SELL THOSE DOUBLES! You can get around 1000-8000 bells! Iwent from 23,000 bells to 55,000 bells in just 5 days.

The Zebra Shirt

Most likely, if you donate 10,000 bells to Gracie after botheringher 3 or 4 times, you will get the zebra shirt. But beware! Youmight get an ugly ponytail. Don't worry! Just click removeheadgear when you are at your items pocket and you'll get yourregular hairstyle back.

Flea Market

The flea market is on September 1st. There, youcan go into other people's houses and buy stuff.Other people can also buy stuff in your house.It's awesome!!!!

Snowballs In Water

If it's winter, and you see a snowball close tothe ocean or the river, make you person push thesnowball into the water. It will just melt.But I thought it was pretty funny.

When Dr. Srunk Appears

If you want new fruit do this. Mail a neighbor afruit that you have on every tree. They will sendyou a different fruit. Plant the fruit with ashovel. Let the tree grow(It will take like 3days). Send the same fruit to another neighborand they will send you another fruit. Keep onplanting the same fruit and you will have a townfull with fruit. You will find counuts on thebeaches.Sometimes if you send some fruitsometimes you will get the same fruit over again.Sell the fruit that is not native to yourtown,each fruit is 500 bells. So if you sell awhole pocet full of none native fruit you willget 7,500 bells. That is a way to get lots ofmoney.


Get a shovel and go outside. If you find aperson walking around dig holes around them.They will not be able to go past the holes. Tomake the holes disappear go inside or exit thegame.

Flying Presents

Presents will fly over your town when the timeends in a '4'.


To trip, go to someone else's town, like one ofyour friends. Then, have someone else come intothat same town, so that there are two vistersincluding you. Next, start running like crazyall over the place. Eventually, someone willfall. I fell once into the sand and when I gotup my head print was in the sand!!!! Also, theperson whose town you are vistiting will nottrip. Lyle will also give 100 bells in the mailwhen you trip.

K.K Sliders Songs

At The Roost Cafe (basement of your museum) K.K. Slider will play music on Saturday nights from 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight. Talk to him and he'll play a song for you. You can also request a song. These are all of his songs:

Flower Breeding

In Animal Crossing Wild World, you have the ability to cross-breed flowers. Below is a list of combos:In order to achieve the golden watering can, you must have your town perfect for 14 days. (Hint: Jacob's Ladders will appear)

Get Alot Of Money From Flea Markets

If a neighbor wants to buy a fish or bug fromyour house during a flea market, you can sell itto them for double what it's worth. Arowana areworth 10,000 bells each, but I sold one to myneighbor during a flea market for 20,000 bells!!!

Keep Acorn Credit

NEVER give Cornimer a rotton acorn during theAcorn Festival. You will lose all acorns he hascounted so far.

Free Stuff

IF a animal in your town asks you to deliversomething to another player in the town welldon't. If you want to keep the item whichnormally is a clothing item keep the gift overnight and the next morning you should be able toopen it without them being mad at you. Or openthe gift when you get it and have them mad atyou its your call.

Firecracker Stock Up

When its the fireworks show go to tortimer andtalk to him he will give you a roman candle andtalk to him again to get a sparkler then put theroman candle and sparkler down on the ground ona letter or in your drawers then talk to himagain and get a roman candle and sparkler. Youcan do it up to 10 times but you can't have themin your pockets to obtain more. If you have morethen one player do it with them to. If you havefour players you can get 40 roman candles andsparklers combined.

Time Travel

Most people know what time travel is but forthoughs of you who don't or are to unpatient towait for a holiday don't wait. Before you wakeyour player up theres a telephone well click onit and select reset clock. Simply reset theclock to the day you want to. But do not resetthe clock if your house or store is gettingremodeled it could effect it not that i did that(oops.) Also some town animals may have movedout and an enourmous amount of weeds will appearif you go back to far and cockroaches will be inyour house but there easy to kill run over themand pick the weeds.I recommend to do it with aplayer you normally don't play with if you havemultiple players and if you get rare items mailit to them or leave it in your house for them topick up. Well hope you enjoy the year 2007 inACWW i know i did.

More Money

If you get fruit from another player or find acoconut on the beach, DO NOT SELL IT! Instead,find a place for a new tree and dig a hole withyour shovel. In a few days you will have a treewith the fruit on it (so that's like multiplyingit by 3) but again, don't sell any. Just plantthem again and repeat until you have a forest ofthe fruit (figuratively speaking) and then sellthem all and you will get much more.

Dr. Shrunk

When Dr. shrunk comes tell him you need help.You have to answer some questions and the tap hiforehead. He will give you an imotion icon,which you find in the 'speech bubble' icon inyour toolbar.

Easy Money

Sell all clocks, and unwanted items. If you sella mix of fish, bugs, furniture, and shells youcan get around 7,000 bells. Also look in therecycling bin and Booker's lost and found forfree items (the recycling bin is most likelyother villagers furniture, so if you want them,be patcient and you may get it, I got a giantstereo that was once someone elses!)

Changing Your Hairstyle

You need to have the Tom Nook's store calledNookington's. Enter the store and go straightahead to a doorway. That doorway leads the hairdresser. Talk to the poodle. Note: You need 3,000bells to do this. After that answer herquestions and then she will do yourhair. Warning: She may give you a bad hairstyle.

Flea Market

When it's time for the flea market when you areat home and someone comes in and it wants yourstuff (they will want everything and I meanEVERYTHING!) take your favorite items, put themin your wardrobe or dresser and put the wardrobeor dresser in your pocket. When they wantsomething crappy, offer it to them for 2,000 or1,000 Bells and if they have yhe money, theywill buy it. Also, if you want the animal to goaway, walk to the door and they will leave.

Trick Resetti

If Resetti asks you to type in an apology, onceyou are in the typing screen, click off thepower and start over. Resetti won't make youtype the next time! WOO HOO!

The Red Flower

If you time travel too much a giant red flowerwill appear in the center of your town. This redflower makes weeds and will fill your entire townwith weeds. The only way you can get rid of it isto pick every single weed in your town.

K.K. Slider

K.K. Slider comes saturday at 7:30 in the coffeshop in the mueseum. To get one of the themesongs from animal crossing game cube, requestForest Life and you will have it.

Get Free Bells In The Mail

On Saturdays there will be a man named Lyle. Ifyou talk to to him you can buy damageinsurance. So when you get stung by a bee, Lylewill give you 100 bells in the mail.

How To Get A Golden Slingshot

When you see a present in the air attatched to aballoon, get right under it, and shot it withyour slingshot (bought at Tom Nook's). Do thatevery time you see that, shot it (ballons willrandomly appear in the air any time, any season,and any weather). When you shot the presents inthe air 15 different times (15 presents, morethan one day to do so) you will be sent a GOLDENSLINGSHOT!!!!!!!!

Golden Fishing Pole

To get the golden fishing pole you must firstcatch all the fish. Fish can all be caught indifferent seasons. To find out all the fish'sseasons get the animalcrossing cheat code book.

Golden Shovel

To get a Golden Shovel, buy 2 shovels, then buryone. Wait 24 hours, then go back to where youburied the shovel. Dig it up, and you get agolden shovel.

Endless Songs

In order to have red cheeks, when you are creating yourcharacter, go to the first question that Kapp'n asks you. Choosethe second answer to have the red cheeks.

How To Save Without Going To Bed

Instead of going to bed to save, you can pressstart. Then click save and end. The next timeyou come, you will wake up in your bed.

Waving Hi

When you see one of the animals in your townoutside, don't go up to them. When you are sortof far away, tap them and you will wave and theywill wave back.

Get The Museum Model

If you donate almost all of the fish, fossils, inscts, and paintings, the museum will than send you the Museum Model. (Only works if you have 'roommates' living with. Whoever donates most.)

New Fruit

If you send one of your native fruits to aneighbor, they may send you back a fruit thatyou don't have. Do this to get different fruit.When you play wirelessly, you can overprice yourfruit and sell to your friends that don't haveit!

Tree Shakin'

Go around shaking every non-fruit bearing treethat you see. Some random trees will yield moneybags (100 gold) or items. The first item that Irecieved from a tree was a cabin clock.

Meet Pete The Mailman

Around 9:00 am you can shoot Pete down with aslingshot and talk to him.

How To Obtain The Dirty Shirt/Uniform

Sometimes Gracie will attach a dirty shirt alongwith her evaluation. You can get the uniformwhen you get a part-time with Tom Nook.

Free Items!

Go to Booker at the Main Gate. Go to the lostand found. Take whatever you want.

Don't Like Your Uniform?

If you hate the uniform you have to wear whileworking at Tom Nook's shop, once you come backin after planting flowers, dont wear it. He'llsay you dont have to after that

Find A Four Leaf Clover

When your town is full of weeds, you will alsonotice some clovers. When you pick them up, youmay occasionly find a four leaf clover. When theyare found, they can be worn as an accessory orplaced in your house as a book mark.

Keep A Villager From Moving Away

Every once in a while, you'll see that the insideof one of your villager's houses are full ofcardboard boxes. This means they are packing up tomove away. If you don't want that person to moveaway, talk to them and go to the choice that saysdon't go, then keep going there until they saythey don't want to go anymore.

Post Office Savings Acount Rewards

Hit all the rocks in town with a shovel untilyou find one that releases a money bag. Continueto hit it as many times as you can until itfinally stops releasing bags of money. Withevery hit you do, the rock will release moregold. This can be done once a day.

Jacob's Ladder

To obtain the flower name Jacob's Ladder, youmust first have a 'perfect town'. Once Pelly orPhyllis has told you that your town is perfect,then Jacob's Ladders wll start appearing inrandom locations. If you town stops beingperfect then you will no longer recieve anymoreJacob's Ladders.

No Bees

Go your town on your birthday and get a BirthdayCake item from one of your neighbors.

Donating To Boondox

Spend the said amount of money at Nook's storeand he will make the store larger.

Golden Watering Can

Keep the environment perfect for 16 days in arow. Pelly or Phyllis will reward you with thegolden can.


Do well in these competitions to win these rareitems.

The Scallop

The scallop is used to get the golden axe fromPascal. Pascal walks around by the beach at arandom time, once a week. First, you need to buya red turnip from Joan. Next, give it to Wendelthe next time he comes to town. Wendel gives youthe Turban or Country Guitar. If you get theTurban, take it to Sahara when she comes totown. Sahara should give you either the MassageChair or Red Vase. If you get the Massage Chair,let Tortimer have it the next holiday and heshould give you the scallop. Then just wait forPascal to sho wup and give him the scallop.But if you got the Country Guitar, give it toK.K. Slider to get K.K.'s PicAnd if you got the Red Vase, give it to CrazyRedd in exchange for the Safe. Give the safe toTom Nook for the Tom Nook Pic.

HRA Bonus Items

Once you have reached enough points, the HRA will send you a letter saying you have earned a prize, which is a model of your house.

Hold 10 Extra Items

Buy 10 letters, leave them blank, than pull anitem onto them so that it becomes a present.

Snowman Set

In the winter create a snowman by rolling up thesnowballs you occasionally see laying around.Push one on to the other and a snowman iscreated with the correct proportions. The nextday, the snowman will mail you a rare item fromthe snowman set.

Party Poppers

Talk to Tortimer any time during New Year's Eve.He'll give you Party Poppers.

Money Rock

Hit all the rocks in town with a shovel untilyou find one that releases a money bag. Continueto hit it as many times as you can until itfinally stops releasing bags of money. Withevery hit you do, the rock will release moregold. This can be done once a day.

Get Different Items From Tom Nooks Shop

First, you need to save and quit. When you are atyour save room where you choose your personchoose the phone. Next, choose reset clock andthan you choose the time you want and go backinto the game to Nooks shop and you can seedifferent furniture and items. Note: this willgive your town many weeds.

Dotty Code

Get Dotty in your town. On Jan. 22, go find Dottyand talk to her a lot. Eventualy she will give youa code.

Mush Furniture

Get acorns at the Acorn Festival, then giveCornimer the indicated number of acorns to getthe corresponding Mush furniture piece:

Getting Furniture From Your Neighbors Houses

If an animal in your town has furniture in hisor her house that you want, send them seashells,unwanted furniture, or fossils to them in themail. They'll usually put these gifts in theirhouse, displacing whatever was there before.Check the recycle bin at your Town Hall and theitem you wanted from their house may be in there.

How To Get The Golden Shovel

First off, get two shovels. Using one shovel,bury the other one in the ground, and leave itthere for at least 24 hours. When you dig it upagain, you should have the Golden Shovel.

Never Rotting Turnips

Place a table in your house. Place an item in the front of thetable. Preferred item is a fishing rod or shovel. Stand on the itemand try to place your turnips on the ground. They will go on thetable. They should not rot.

We have no cheats or codes for Animal Crossing: Wild World yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Lost Kitten Picture

If you reunite the mom andthe kitten, they will mail you a letter with apresent. It may be her picture or a rare item.

Fashionista Badge

There are two or three different sets of questions that Gracie will ask you. Here are the answers to a few of the questions she will ask:
What do you think is your best asset- Long legs!
People who only wear designer labels. - Aren't stylish
What is the essence of fashion? - Clothes!
If you have answered all the answers right, (Hint: Gracie doesn't care about what's popular, she want's people to be individual) she will give you a certificate with no present attached, when you open it, it will read Dear fabulous [your name], You are truly fabulous, Gracie has to give it up to the one and only fashionista!

Unlock Golden Bug Net

Do get the watermelon shirt, you have to talk toGracie and after bothering her 3-4 times donate1500 bells and you will get the bunny hood andthe watermelon shirt! You can't buy it in astore!!

Hair Colors

After talking to Harriet about what type of hairyou want, comes the color part.

Trendy Hair

Once you have Nookington's and are looking for anew hair style, you might want to considergoing 'trendy'. When Harriet is asking youquestions, first say 'Everyday.',then 'Sweaty!', then 'Oh, Yeah!'. For girls itshould turn out as a cute bun on the top of thehead, and for boys is will turn out as a nice,spikey look.

K.k. Sliders Picture

Buy a red turnip fromJoan. Give it to Wendel. If he gives you acountry guitar give it to K.K. for his picture.

Pascals Picture

Talk to Pascal, he'll eithergive you a piece of pirate theme item or hispicture.

Pellys Picture

Save 500,000,000 bells in youraccount.

Tom Nooks Picture

Give Wendell a red turnip. Ifhe gives you a Turban, give it to Saharah foreither a red vase or a massage chair. Give theVase to Redd for a Safe. Give the safe to Nookfor his picture.

Townsfolk Picture

Become friends with it andwhen he has a exclamation point over there headtalk to them they may give you there picture.

We have no easter eggs for Animal Crossing: Wild World yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Animal Crossing: Wild World yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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  • 100, 000 dollar fish

Start up the game. When you get out of your house, go all the way down to the beach. Then go all the way left untill the beach ends. You will notice that there's a platform that (not by much, though) goes a little further in the ocean. Cast your fishing rod and wait. I suggest you take a timer (in real life) and set it to 10 minutes because you have to keep your fishing rod
in the water for 10 minutes. When ten minutes are up, a tiny fish will start going toward your bobber. Catch it and sell it to Tom Nook. He will pay 100,000 bells for it.
P.S. If your in a contest with some one in your town to see who can catch the rarest fish, do not give it to them! You will win the contest but if you give it to them, they will not give it back!
And in return they'll give you a wallpaper that's worth 150 bells! | Submitted by EatPie
  • 99.999 bells, simple!

Warning: There will be loads of weeds and there will be bugs in your house, press the B button to get rid of weeds and step on bugs to get rid of them. Enjoy!
1. Collect 20,000 bells you could try selling fruit,bugs and fish or doing errands for other town folk.
2. Put that 20,000 bells in your account, step on red doormat, press access account, then save bells.
3. Save your game.
4. Press power, touch continue, look at the very bottom middle of your screen click that buttom there, click the blue button, then click the calender icon change the date to 2099.
5. Play game for 1 second then save.
6. Change game time back to normal.
7. Look in your letter box.
8. Run to town hall.
9. Withdraw bells ( Step on red doormat, Click access acount, press withdraw bells)
10. You can use these instructions as many times as you want. I used mine to pay my morgage. I hope you spend it wisely! | Submitted by animal-crossing:wild-world-player
  • Alternate inventory background

Find a pattern that you like on a shirt. Drag the shirt over the invisible space on the lower left corner of the touchscreen and drop it there.
  • Animal Crossing Island

Connect to the houses of four friends and give Tom Nook 50 fossils. You will get a whistle that calls Kapp'n; he will take you to Animal Crossing Island.
  • Animal Island/UFO

To help clear thing up, Animal Island is only in the Gamecube versions and in the Japanease Version of Animal Crossing Wild World. Also, you cant get the Ray gun from the UFO and get rid of all of your weeds. | Submitted by Mike
  • Audience

If you catch a fish close to one of the residents they will start to clap. | Submitted by mikedaddy
  • Become friends with Sable

Go in the Able Sisters store, then find Sable near the sewing machine and talk to her every day until she starts being friendly.
  • Bee Catching Hint

First you have to shake trees until a bee hive falls. Once you see that the hive is on the ground, automatically open up your menu and put you net as your equipment. Then press B to get out of menu but right after you press B start pressing A repeatedly. With the right timing you should have caught yourself a 4500 bell bee. | Submitted by Nova92
  • Birthday Cake

Someone in your town will give you a Birthday Cake when the game is played on your birthday.
  • Boondox Donations

If you donate about 15,000,000 bells to Boondox, Boonbox will be renamed Boondopolis and you will get a letter from Boondox ( Boondopolis )
Tip: This cheat is best if you have an AR ( Action Replay ) | Submitted by GameGirlMeganKeidat
  • Catalog error

When you do the trick with: 'Put in 20.000 bells at the account and turn 10 years ahead, and you will have 99.999 bells of interest.' Well, i did it and it was the biggest fault i ever made in this game. Cause, The catalog at Tom nook, didn't work. He will just say that: Order sheet is filled up, so we can't take your order right now.
And it will only start working, if you reset your entire game. ;-( sniff.
But i have learned of my errors...;-)
So take care!!! | Submitted by Daniel
  • Changing time

If you change the system time to certain extremes you will be punished by nature. When you resume your game, there will be hundreds of weeds everywhere which will take a long time to clear. The only upside is that you may find a four leaf clover.
  • Crazy Redd Password's

Ask and you shall: Be charged
An open wallet: Is often empty
Bottom dollar: Top dog
CrossingCrazy Redd: Is 35
Even robbers: Have safes
Fan in one hand: Cash in other
Foot in the door: Eye on the prize
For my fans: Shop here again
Get an education: Or win it big
Give 2 cents: Ask for change
Head in the sand: Find something
Hot and cold: Money makes it
I'm all alone: But I have cash
Life exectancy: Redd is 35
Look at people: Wallets full
Look back: What did you miss
No money: Means no fun
Roses have: High prices
Rough childhood: Lax adulthood
Spoiled rotten: Bean curd
Talk is cheap: So is Redd
The grass is greener: On my side
The pen: is cheaper
Tom Nook: One ugly fellow
What smells?: Bean curd
Whats inside: Is fabulous
When the cat's gone: Mice shop
Why buy the cow: Buy milk here | Submitted by Nova92
  • Donation rewards

Donate the indicated amount of Bells to Boondox to get the corresponding reward:
10,000 Bells: Green Feather
200,000 Bells: Blue Feather
500,000 Bells: Yellow Feather
800,000 Bells: Red Feather
1,100,000 Bells: Purple Feather
1,400,000 Bells: White Feather
6,400,000 Bells: Rainbow Feather
  • Don't Go!

Do you have a villager that you don't want to see leave? Well first go into their house and talk to them and say things that make you feel sad and keep talking to them like that. And if you feel like that didn't work, take your shovel and dig holes all around their house and they won't move. | Submitted by Anonymous
  • Easier fishing and bug catching

Walk when fishing, and creep when catching bugs.
  • Easy money

Go to the bank and access your account. Save all the money you have into the account. Save the game and turn off the DS. Change the date to ten years later and your money will go up, depending on how much is in there. It usually goes up 99,999 Bells.
Change the system date to January 1st to get mail from your Mom with 10,000 Bells.
At 12:30 on any day, walk along the beach shore and look for fruit. Any fruit you find along the shore will be worth 500 Bells. Additionally, keep hitting rocks with an axe or shovel until finding a special one that gives a bag of Bells. Keep hitting the rocks until the bags stop to appears. Note: This only happens once per day.
Dig up fossils in your town. Have Blathers check them, then sell them to Tom Nook. Many are worth up to 2,000 Bells.
Use the Golden Shovel to bury money. It may grow into a tree that will grow Bells, depending on how much money was buried.
Take your Golden Shovel and dig in random spots. Eventually you will dig up 100 Bells.
Find a star on the ground and dig it up with your shovel, then sell it to Tom Nook. If it is a fossil, talk to the museum owl. Make sure you do not donate it, even when he asks if he can keep it. Sell it to Tom Nook for a few thousand Bells.
  • Entering Crazy Redd's tent

To enter Crazy Redd's tent you must give a password the first time and become a member. You can usually find the password by talking to some of the villagers.
  • Events

Bug-Off: Every third Sunday in June-September from 12:00 Noon to 6 p.m.
Fireworks Show: Every Saturday in August from 7 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Fishing Tourney: Every third Sunday in January, March, May, November, and December from 12:00 Noon to 6 p.m.
Flower Fest: Second week of April.
  • Find Pillis

To find pillis, go to the The Roost around 9.00 and she might be there on her brake. | Submitted by ZELL13
  • Fishes

The following is a complete list of fish, their location, times to catch them, and their selling price:
Angelfish: 3,000 Bells; river (rare) May to October, morning, evening, night.
Arapaima: 10,000 Bells; river (rare) July to September, morning, evening, night.
Arowana: 10,000 Bells; river (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Barbel Steed: 200 Bells; river all year, all day.
Barred Knifejaw: 5,000 Bells; ocean (rare) March to November, all day.
Bitterling: 900 Bells; river November to February, all day.
Black Bass: 300 Bells; river all year, all day.
Blue Gill: 120 Bells; river all year, noon.
Blue Marlin: 10,000 Bells; ocean (rare) July to Sept, all day.
Carp: 300 Bells; river all year, all day.
Cat Fish: 800 Bells; pond May to October, morning, evening, night.
Char: 3,800 Bells; waterfall Mar to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Cherry Salmon: 1,000 Bells; river March to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Clownfish: 650 Bells; ocean April to September, all day and May to August, noon.
Coelacanth: 15,000 Bells; ocean during rain or snow (rare) all year, morning , evening, night.
Craw Fish: 250 Bells; holding pond April to Sept, all day.
Crucian Carp: 120 Bells; river all year, all day.
Dab: 300 Bells; ocean October to April, all day.
Dace: 200 Bells; river all year, morning, evening, night.
Dorado: 15,000 Bells; river (rare) June to September, morning, noon, evening.
Eel: 2,000 Bells; river June to Sept, morning, evening, night.
Football Fish: 2,500 Bells; ocean (rare) November to March, morning, evening, night.
Freshwater Goby: 300 Bells; river (rare) all year, morning, evening, night.

Animal Crossing Wild World Seed Codes Action Replay List

Frog: 120 Bells; holding pond May to August, all day.
Gar: 6,000 Bells; pond (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Giant Snakehead: 5,500 Bells; pond July to August, noon.
Gold Fish: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) all year, all day.
Guppy: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) April to November, noon.
Hammerhead Shark: 8,000 Bells; ocean (rare) June to September, all day.
Horse Mackeral: 150 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Jelly Fish: 100 Bells; ocean August, all day.
Killifish: 300 Bells; holding pond (rare) April to August, all day.
King Salmon: 1,800 Bells; river (rare) September, all day.
Koi: 2,000 Bells; river (rare) all year, morning, evening, night.
Loach: 300 Bells; river March to May, all day.
Ocean Sunfish: 4,000 Bells; ocean (rare) April to September, morning noon, evening.
Octopus: 500 Bells; Ocean September to January and March to July, all day.
Olive Flounder: 800 Bells; Ocean (rare) all year, all day.
Pale Chub: 200 Bells; river all year, noon.
Piranha: 2,500 Bells; river (rare) June to September, noon, night.
Pond Smelt: 300 Bells; pond December to February, all day.
Popeyed Goldfish: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) all year, all day.
Puffer Fish: 240 Bells; ocean July to September, all day and August, all day.
Rainbow Trout: 800 Bells; river March to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Red Snapper: 3,000 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Salmon: 700 Bells; river September, all day.
Sea Bass: 160 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Sea Butterfly: 1,000 Bells; ocean December to February, all day.
Seahorse: 1,100 Bells; ocean April to November, all day and May to September, noon.
Shark: 15,000 Bells; ocean (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Squid: 400 Bells; Ocean December to Aug, all day.
Stringfish: 15,000 Bells; river (rare) December to February, morning, evening, night.
Sweetfish: 900 Bells; river July to September, all day.
Tuna: 7,000 Bells; ocean (rare) November to March, all day.
Yellow Perch: 240 Bells; river October to March or November to February, all day.
Zebra Turkey Fish: 400 Bells; ocean April to November, all day and May to September, noon.
  • FREE Big Dot Shirt

Please note: You will have to get rid of a shirt for this (but not permanently).
1. Put a shirt in your inventory.
2. Drag the shirt to the bottom left hand corner.
3. There you go! You have changed the background, and also you have got a big dot shirt!!
You can do this with any shirt to change the background. | Submitted by LilDanDude
  • Free furniture

Sometimes when you go to the Town Hall, the recycling box may have furniture that you need. The lost and found at the Main Gate also may have free items. Talk to Booker, the dog on the left, to get to the lost and found.
  • Furniture themes

Most items are available in Tom Nook's store or Redd's tent.
Boxing theme
Ringside Table, Boxing Barricade, Judge's Bell, Weight Bench, Red Corner, Blue Corner, 2 Neutral Corners, Boxing Mat, Speed Bag, Sandbag
Wallpaper: Ringside Seating
Flooring: Boxing Ring Mat
Construction theme
Iron Frame, Wet Roadway Sign, Orange Cone, Traffic Cone, Striped Cone, Jackhammer, Saw Horse, Detour Arrow, Handcart, Manhole Cover, Cement Mixer, Steam Roller
Wallpaper: Blue Tarp
Flooring: Closed Road
Mad Scientist theme
Medicine Chest, Lab Chair, Amazing Machine, Complex Machine, Lab Bench, Florence Flask, Unknown Machine
Wallpaper: Lab Wall
Flooring: Lab Floor
Mossy Garden theme
Bird Feeder, Bug Zapper, Picnic Table, Birdhouse, Hammock, Tiki Torch, Backyard Pool, Barbecue, Lawn Chair, Mr. and Mrs. Flamingo, Sprinkler, Garden Gnome, Lawn Mower, Bird Bath
Wallpaper: Backyard Fence
Flooring: Backyard Lawn
Nursery theme
Rocking Horse, Cradle, Wobbelina, Elephant Slide, Baby Bed, Dolly, Train Set, Clackercart, Merry-Go-Round, Stroller
Wallpaper: Playroom Wall
Flooring Playroom Rug
Pirate theme
Helm, Ship Compass, Barrel, Anchor, Keg, Ship Cannon
Wallpaper: Sea View
Flooring: Ship Deck
Note: Available only through Pascal.
Space theme
Flying Saucer, Lunar Rover, Asteroid, Satellite, Space Station, Moon, Rocket, Lunar Lander, Spaceman Sam, Space Shuttle
Wallpaper: Lunar Horizon
Flooring: Lunar Surface
Western theme
Western Fence, Storefront, Cow Skull, Tumbleweed, Saddle Fence, Wagon Wheel, Watering Trough, Well, Desert Cactus, Covered Wagon
Wallpaper: Western Vista
Flooring: Western Desert
  • Furniture Themes

Snowman Theme: Snowman rug, Snowman wall, snowman table, snowman bed, snowman dresser, snowman chair, snowman sofa, snowman fridge, snowman clock, snowman t.v, snowman lamp, snowman wardrobe. P.S. Only avaliable through the snowmen. | Submitted by aj510
  • Garden of Insects

To have many bugs in your garden and to catch them to sell them to Tom Nook, you need many flowers. Start with buying flowers at Tom Nook's store and plant them in front of your house. Take care of them and you'll have a swarm of bugs to capture! Be careful though! Some bugs can hide in a flower and you can scare them away. | Submitted by ChiHinChan
  • Get your own statue

If you go to the town post office and donate 15,000,000 bells (I suggest you buy yourself a Action Replay) to bondox (wich turns into Boondopolis later on), The next day you'll see your statue at the Post ofiice. | Submitted by Cow
  • Getting money

Buy a fishing rod or bug net. If catching fish, keep the fish if they are rare or at least worth 1,000 Bells. If not, throw it back. You can also collect seashells of the same value. If catching bugs, catch them by listening to their sounds or watch for their colors. You can also look for treasure and many other things to collect money.
  • Give yourself a gift!

Earn loads of money by selling various objects. Buy some paper from Tom Nook, then click on the paper, as if you are writing a letter. Keep going along the adresses, till you get to 'Your Future Self'. Select it. Write whatever you want! Confirm it, so it turns blue. Next click where your money is displayed in your inventory and withdraw all you bells. Drag it to the letter and send it in the Town Hall. Send it for a few months, or a year (maybe even your birthday or chistmas), then, when you recieve it, you will have much more money, a nice surprise, especially if you find it hard to earn bells! | Submitted by FroggyHan
  • Golden Axe

Give a Scallop Seashell to Pascal to get the Golden Axe. Note: This requires some trading. Start by purchasing a Red Turnip from Joan. Trade it to Wendel for a Turban or Country Guitar when he appears in town. If Wendel gave you a Turban, trade it to Sahara for a Massage Chair or Red Vase when she comes to town. If Sahara gave you a Massage Chair, trade it to Tortimer on the next holiday to get the Scallop Seashell.
  • Golden Bug Net

Catch one of each type of bug to get the Golden Bug Net.
  • Golden Fishing Rod

Animal Crossing Wild World Seed Codes Action Replay Pack

Catch one of each type of fish to get the Golden Fishing Rod.
  • Golden shovel

Buy two ordinary shovels at nook's store bury one shovel for 24 hours and it will become a golden shovel the next day. | Submitted by mikebocardo
  • Golden Shovel

Bury a regular shovel in the ground. When dug up after 24 hours, it will be a Golden Shovel.
  • Golden Slingshot

Shoot fifteen items out of the sky and a Golden Slingshot will appear in the sky. Shoot it down to collect it.
  • Golden Watering Can

Keep the environment perfect for sixteen consecutive days to get a Golden Watering Can from Pelly or Phyllis.
  • Hair Colors

Most of you probably have the Shampoodle at Nookington's. When Harriet asks what color do you envision, here are the words and colors:
Light-hearted: Blonde
Young: Blue
Fiery: Red-Orange
Flirty: Pink
Radiant: White
Safe: Light Brown
Lush: Green
Mysterious: Brown-Gray | Submitted by aj510
  • House upgrades

Pay back the indicated amount of debt to get the corresponding upgrade for your house:
First house expansion: 19,800 Bells
Second house expansion: 120,000 Bells
Upstairs room: 298,000 Bells
Left room: 598,000 Bells
Right room: 728,000 Bells
Back room: 848,000 Bells
  • How to cheat in flower competion!

How: go to other people gardens and destroy there plants or even steal for a for sure win! | Submitted by Kal
  • How to get other town fruit

Here's how to get other town fruit other than coconuts. Send lots of letters to people in your town, but not to humans and in the letter write 'How are you?' and as a gift put your town fruit. Send it, then the next day the person will reply with either a fruit or clothes. It's better to write lots of letters to someone so you get lots of fruit at a time. And it's better if you plant your fruit to make trees so you have lots of that fruit, then you can sell them each for 500 bells!
  • Im Rich!!

to get rich qick you nedd about 10,000 bells or over, then you put all your money in your bank, then save your game and go to the DS clock and change the year to 2099 then play the game for 1 second and save your game again, then change the year on the DS back to normal and you should get a letter from the bank saying you got 99,999 bells of intrest p.s:you might not get 99,999 bells. | Submitted by Kane
  • K.K. Slider

He will only come on Satuday night between 8:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. | Submitted by ruth
  • K.K. Slider songs

Go to The Roost cafe in the basement of your museum on Saturday nights between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight and talk to K.K. Slider. You can have him pick a song for you or you can request a song. These are all of his songs:
Agent K.K.
Aloha K.K.
Cafe K.K.
Comrade K.K.
Forest Life
Go K.K. Rider
I Love You
Imperial K.K.
K.K. Aria
K.K. Ballad
K.K. Blues
K.K. Bossa
K.K. Calypso
K.K. Casbah
K.K. Chorale
K.K. Condor
K.K. Country
K.K. Cruisin'
K.K. D & B
K.K. Dirge
K.K. Dixie
K.K. Etude
K.K. Faire
K.K. Folk
K.K. Fusion
K.K. Gumbo
K.K. Jazz
K.K. Lament
K.K. Love Song
K.K. Lullaby
K.K. Mambo
K.K. Marathon
K.K. March
K.K. Metal
K.K. Ragtime
K.K. Rally
K.K. Reggae
K.K. Rock
K.K. Rockabilly
K.K. Safari
K.K. Salsa
K.K. Samba
K.K. Ska
K.K. Song
K.K. Soul
K.K. Steppe
K.K. Swing
K.K. Tango
K.K. Technopop
K.K. Waltz
K.K. Western
King K.K.
Lucky K.K.
Marine Song 2001
Mountain Song
Mr. K.K.
My Place
Only Me
Rockin' K.K.
Senor K.K.
Soulful K.K.
Steep Hill
Surfin' K.K.
The K. Funk
To the Edge
Two Days Ago
  • List of Bugs

Below is a list of all the bugs in alphabetical order:
Agrias Butterfly
Atlas Beetle
Banded Dragonfly
Bell Cricket
Brown Cicada
Common Butterfly
Darner Dragonfly
Dung Beetle
Dynastid Beetle
Elephant Beetle
Evening Cicada
Fruit Beetle
Giant Beetle
Goliath Beetle
Hercules Beetle
Jewel Beetle
Lantern Fly
Long Locust
Longhorn Beetle
Migratory Locust
Mole Cricket
Oak Silk Moth
Orchid Mantis
Rainbow Stag
Red Dragonfly
Robust Cicada
Saw Stag Beetle
Scarab Beetle
Stag Beetle
Tiger Butterfly
Walker Cicada
Yellow Butterfly | Submitted by GriffinR
  • Magic Rock

Hit all the rocks in town with either a shovel or an axe until you find one that releases a money bag when you do. Continue to hit it as many times as you can until it finally stops releasing bags of money. With every 2 hits you do, the rock will release more gold. This can be done once a day.
  • Make your catalog work again

If your catalog doesn't work, then there's a simple way to make it work again. (Doesn't work everytime)
Buy three '4-packs' letters (stationary)
WorldWrite something in the letters. Doesn't matter what, till who, just do it. Send them all.
The next day, your catalog should work... | Submitted by Daniel
  • Meow Mix Song Town Tune

Everything is high:
C-B-A-G-C-B-A-G-C-B-C-D-D-B-A-G | Submitted by SirPainsalot
  • Mole Cricket

When walking around between the months November and May, anytime of day, you will sometimes here a faint, constant buzzing noise. Begin digging around with your shovel where the sound seems loudest. Eventually, you will dig up a bug. It will pop up and crawl around, so catch it with your net before it falls into water or something. It's called a Mole Cricket, and can be sold for 280 bells. | Submitted by GriffinR
  • Mr. Resetti's home

Restart the game at least two times to have Mr. Resstti appear. Then, use a shovel to hit all the rocks until one cracks. Hit that rock again, then enter the hole that appears to find Mr. Resetti's home.
  • Mr. Resseti's house

You can only visit Resseti's house on the japanese version. Sorry! | Submitted by ruth
  • Never rotting turnips

Place a table in your house. Place an item in the front of the table. Preferred item is a fishing rod or shovel. Stand on the item and try to place your turnips on the ground. They will go on the table. They should not rot. | Submitted by cheatmaster1
  • Nintendo Symbol

O.K. Dudes, listen, U CAN buy the Nintendo Symbol. Usually at Nook's place it cost bout 1500-2000. But at redds its like 3000-5500! P.S. help needed email | Submitted by Freezincold5
  • No moving!

All right, you can go into peoples houses and sometimes they have all these boxes every where, you talk to them and they say that they`re moving. To stop them just write them a letter!
This has not be confirmed but it might prevent people from moving IN | Submitted by simms
  • No secret Animal Crossing island

People have told you about Animal Crossing island. The island is on gamecube only! I hope this clears things up. | Submitted by JackM.
  • Party Poppers

Speak to Tortimer on New Year's Eve to get Party Poppers.
  • Restock Tom Nook's store

Save your game and then go to your phone. Select 'Reset Clock' and change the date for Tom Nook to have all new furniture in his store.
  • Revange on the neighbours!

Prison: If your mad at one of your neighbours, either wait until they walk onto a bridge or push them on the bridge. Once they are on dig holes on the side of the bridge that he/she are trying to get out of so they don't get out. Once that is done he/she will most likely NOT try getting out of the other side of the bridge.Now walk across the bridge and make holes on the other side .Your neibhbour will now be in a prison, but if you walk away and the holes leave the screen, and you come back they will be filled in.
Wack-a-neighbor: If your neighbor has done something to get your mad, just take out your net and walk close to them but not right up to them (you might talk to them) and swing your net at them a couple times they will yell at you and walk away mad.
Push-a-war: If your neighbour had gottan you to go crazy because they beat you in a competition just walk up to them and push them the opposite way they were going, they will scream at you and storm away mad. | Submitted by Daniel.K
  • Roman Candles and Sparklers

Talk to Tortimer during the Fireworks Show to get Roman Candles and Sparklers.
  • Sale Prices for Insects

Here are some sale prices for insects I know:
Yellow/White Butterfly: 90 Bells
Honeybee: 100 Bells
Mosquito: 130 Bells
Tiger Butterfly: 160 Bells
Darner Dragonfly: 200 Bells
Firefly: 300 Bells
Emperor Butterfly: 2,500 Bells
Agrias/Birdwing Butterfly: 3,000 Bells | Submitted by ChiHinChan
  • Sale Prices for Seashells

Here are some sale prices for the seashells:
Porceletta: 30 Bells
Sand Dollar: 60 Bells
Venus Comb: 150 Bells
Coral: 250 Bells
Conch: 350 Bells
Pearl Oyster: 450 Bells | Submitted by ChiHinChan
  • Saving rewards

Save the indicated amount of bells at the Post Office to get the corresponding reward:
Box of Tissues: 1,000,000 Bells
Pelly's Picture: 100,000,000 Bells
Phyllis' Picture: 500,000,000 Bells
Piggy Bank: 10,000,000 Bells
Town Hall Model: 999,999,999 Bells
  • Selling items

When you try to sell items back to Tom Nook or Mabel they will only give you 25% of the original price.
  • Sleepy Tortimer?

Go in to the town hall and talk to Pelly or her sisterin the civics part. Look in the background and you should be able to see a part of Tortimers face on his desk having a snooze. | Submitted by jinja
  • Snowman furniture

In the winter, find the two snowballs in your town. Roll them to a medium size, then stack the snowballs by walking one into the other one at the bottom left of your town. If you make the snowman in the most extreme lower right square, and make him perfectly, you will be awarded two Snowman furniture instead of one.
  • Songs

To play the following songs, when '^' appears before the note, use the higher octave.
The Simpsons theme
^F_ _ ^A _ ^G _ ^D ^C _ _ ^A_ ^F_ ^D
The Legend Of Zelda theme
^A _ E _ _ ^A ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E _ _ Z Z Z
Super Mario Bros. theme
E E _ E _ C E _ ^G _ _ Z G ZZZ
  • Tom Nook's Home

From 12:00am to 2:00 am hit the back of nook's shop three times, then the front once, and you'll see nook in his pajamas and a teddy bear! | Submitted by Rachel
  • Tom Nook's home

Go to the back of Tom Nook's shop between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. Use a shovel to hit the back wall three times, then hit the front entrance once to be able to enter and see Tom Nook in pajamas with a teddy bear.
  • Tom Nook's store point rewards

Buy as many things as possible in Tom Nook's store. Not only will his selection get bigger, but you will get points for every purchase. Get enough purchases to become a member. Keep spending at Tom Nook's store to accumulate PIM points, and rewards at the following levels:
300 PIM points: Nook's Cranny model and store membership
3,000 PIM points: Nook' n Go model and 5% discount
10,000 PIM points: Nookway model and 10% discount
20,000 PIM points: Nookington's model and 20% discount
  • Tom Nook's store progression

The following are the expansions for Tom Nook's store and how to obtain them:
Nook's Cranny: Available at start.
Nook 'n Go: Buy 25,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookway: Buy 65,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookingtons: Buy 240,000 Bells worth of merchandise and have a visiting friend buy something from Tom Nook. Note: This version of the store includes a hair salon.
  • Tortimer reference

Go to the Post Office and talk to Pelly at the Civics part. If you look at the background, you can see a bit of Tortimer's face behind a counter.
  • Traitor!

Walk up to any animals house (it doesnt matter who) and stand in front of the door. open the menu screen, and change an item of clothing ( shirt, accessory, ect). look at the brown oval nameplate next to the door and you should see 4 symbols - a circle, square, triangle and a cross. these four symbols are same as are used on the sony consoles, so why are they on a nintendo game ? | Submitted by jinja
  • Tri Force!?

Hey, I was wondering if anyone else has discovered this...I went into Redd's tent and there it was--The TRI-FORCE from Legend of Zelda! It's awesome, and I thought to myself, 'That wasn't in the book!' So I looked and sure nuff, it's not in there! It's gotta be a secret item...has anyone else got it yet? Just curious... | Submitted by balletdncr
  • Trophies

Bug trophy: Catch the biggest bug in the Bug-Off.
Fish trophy: Catch the biggest fish in the Fishing Tourney.
Flower trophy: Create the best garden in the Flower Fest.
  • Want more than one song

Ok as you may se K.K slider sometimes visit the cafe at the museum. But if you want more music to your tape deck. Just change your settings to one day up or down. Save it in the game. Then turn back to they day then K.K slider is in the cafe. Then you kan ask him again for a new song. | Submitted by LindaCheater
  • Weed Killer

This may sound kind of weird but, if you ever see a U.F.O in the sky, shoot it down with your slingshot and the U.F.O will crash in your town. Walk up to the U.F.O and press A. Aliens will come out and give you a ray gun. Shott the ray gun in the air. Save your game. Restart. You will notice that there are no more weeds in your town. You can not shoot down presents in the sky with the ray gun. P.S. You can only use the ray gun once. | Submitted by Moocow


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